
PMP Exam Preparation(1)

2021-05-11 来源:CloudBest 阅读量: 1,739
关键词: 考试心得

  Professional Project Management
  Project management is one of the first professions to encompass a comprehensive spectrum of talents and skills, knowledge of management practices, and leadership strategies. Project management can be applied to almost any project undertaking or industry to complete objectives on time, within cost, and to the satisfaction of all concerned.
  Projects are all over the place. They occupy a major part of our work effort and time. Examples of projects include: Developing or designing a new product or service; Effecting a change in structure, staffing, or style of an organisation; Developing or acquiring a new or modified information system; Designing/constructing a facility or plant; Implementing a new business procedure or process; Conducting feasibility, marketing, procurement and technical studies.
  The Project Management Institute
  Established in 1969, the Project Management Institute (PMI) is the foremost non-profit professional association dedicated to advancing the state-of-the art in project management with more than 75,000 members and over 120 Chapters worldwide.
  The Project Management Institute - Arabian Gulf Chapter (PMI-AGC) was formed in August 1992 and was officially registered in December 1992 after reaching the minimum requirements of 25 PMI members. The PMI-AGC has seen substantial growth since then and currently has 500 members.
  The Process of PMP?Certification
  A formalised Project Management Professional Certification was needed to sustain this growth. To become certified, an individual needs to pass the Project Management Professional (PMP? Exam which is intended to measure the comprehensive understanding of the disciplines of the PMBOK?Guide, the Project Management Body of Knowledge:
  1. Project Integration Management
  2. Project Time Management
  3. Project Scope Management
  4. Project Risk Management
  5. Project Quality Management
  6. Project Human Resources Management
  7. Project Cost Management
  8. Project Communications Management
  9. Project Procurement Management
  PMBOK?Guide was developed to serve as the fundamental knowledge base of project management. It includes numerous terms and definitions that have become industry standards.
  Who Should Attend
  This course is ideal for people who want to prepare for the Project Management Institute抯 PMP?Certification Exam as fast and efficiently as possible.
  This includes individuals working on projects within different industries such as engineering and construction, infrastructure, IT & MIS, software development, telecommunications, maintenance and operations, manufacturing, power, petrochemical, oil & gas, product development, quality implementation, military, information technology, government, educational, religious, finance, marketing, water development, chemical, mining & mineral, etc.
  Why Get Certified?
  There are at least 4 reasons for seeking certification:
  (1) Need To Expand Competence
  Managing projects is becoming increasingly complex. Projects are now more integrated, employ multi-disciplined teams, share resources and cross-organisational boundaries. In this environment, success requires more than an understanding of scheduling. It depends on a broad range of technical and interpersonal skills. PMP ?Certification addresses these requirements.
  (2) Personal Professionalism
  Passing the PMP?Exam demonstrates a personal commitment to your profession. It integrates your thinking and creates awareness in both the technical and interpersonal dimensions of managing projects. This awareness helps in developing acceptance among other team members and forms the framework for career advancement.
  (3) Corporate Support PMP? Certification conveys to upper management that you understand the process and how to function effectively in a multi-disciplined environment. The PMP?Certification also demonstrates competence and professionalism. Many companies recognise the value of PMP?Certification and have adopted it on a company-wide basis. This includes companies with diverse interests such as AT&T, Lucent Technologies, Bechtel, LCRA, US West, EG&G, Rust International and others.
  (4) International Recognition
  Certification is also recognised internationally. PMP?Exams are now being given in Canada, The Netherlands, Singapore, Australia, South Africa and now in the Arabian Gulf.